"I help you to find solutions from within yourselves."
Cognitive Testing
Psychometric Assessments
Psychometric-based recruitment interviews
I am a Registered and Chartered Organisational Psychologist with much experience of working as a psychologist and a coach for both large corporations and private clients. The foci of my work is enhancing individual growth, promoting effective communications and boosting physical and emotional resilience. I offer leadership coaching at all levels, especially for staff who have excellent technical background stepping into uncharted areas of managing other people and strategic planning; a situation very much prevalent within the information technology and engineering sectors. My other works include using reliable psychological / psychometric assessment methods to select talent, and conducting cognitive testing to identify neurodiversity, dyslexia in particular.
Coaching is a process of unlocking a person’s potential to maximise his/her own performance. As a practitioner I like connecting the dots. In my opinion and experience, coaching has a lot to do with listening for clues and challenging assumptions from a non-judgemental position. I find it most rewarding when people experience a shift in perception that helps them to move forward.
An unconditional positive approach towards my clients and the ability and willingness to help them in the most efficient way are the two pillars of my work. Phrases like “one cannot conquer alone” definitely apply to coaching. It is very much a team effort and commitment from both the coach and client to make it a success.
I believe that anybody can benefit from coaching. In many occasions, clients come to me with some scepticism and apprehension. For example, via the leadership development programmes organised by their companies. Some of them do not believe that coaching will be helpful to them. I am pleased to say that most of them change their minds having gone through the process. In some cases coaching becomes the pivotal point for their career paths.
Tom's journey (not his real name)
Tom had been working for a technology company for a year when we first met. He told me he was a very experienced technologist with much knowledge, skills and competence to perform his work with excellent result. For that reason, Tom was selected as one of the candidates in the company’s leadership programme with the prospect of getting promoted to managerial level.
He told me that he would like to explore how he could express himself in a more leader-like manner. However, our exploratory sessions established that what he really wanted was to feel more at ease when communicating with his peers and colleagues in a professional setting.
Tom found it difficult to speak up in meetings because he did not think others were interested in what he had to say. He felt that he suffered from imposter syndrome despite the fact that whatever discussed was well within his areas of expertise. He frequently experienced apprehension, fear, sadness and feeling inferior. He hated to be criticized and took criticisms badly. He also felt that he always needed to defend his position. He desperately wanted to be free of these unpleasant feelings.
My initial plan was to challenge his assumptions about himself and his reasons for our working together in order to draw a more accurate picture. I also asked Tom to observe what exactly happened to him in situations where he felt uncomfortable, not just psychologically but also physically.
Through the next few sessions in the following months, we established that what Tom needed was to work on his self-worth as well as his skills in conducting challenging conversations. I used a number of different tools and techniques to work with Tom. The use of guided imagery was proven to be beneficial.
After a further few sessions Tom started to take on more responsibilities and started to enjoy new challenges including putting on training for others. He was open to scrutiny; something he admitted he would never dream of doing only a few months ago. Gradually he became less reactive and more in control in challenging situations.
5 months after we started our bimonthly sessions Tom applied for a managerial role in another company and was recruited. Tom commented that he did not believe he would be able to take on a managerial role had it not been for the journey we went through together.
Cognitive Testing
I offer cognitive assessments to identify neurodiverse conditions such as Dyslexia.
A cognitive assessment involves a wide range of tests to examine verbal comprehension, perceptual reasoning, working memory, processing speed and literacy as well as conduct interviews to investigate Dyslexia and other difficulties.
Based on assessment outcomes my clients will get a summary of results report including recommendations on how to improve the everyday functioning, particularly in studies and at work. If the assessment is employment related, a report for the employer can also be produced. This can include recommended adjustments and assistive technology advice. The Higher Education clients can access funding for this assessment.
Psychometric Assessments
I am using personality assessments for personal and leadership development (NEO, HOGAN). Personality assessment can give great insights into an individual’s behaviuor and can significantly accelerate development if used to inform coaching sessions.
I particularly enjoy giving feedback on results of the personality assessments. It is very satisfying to see a number of ‘AHA’ moments my clients experience within a very short period of time.
I have always been fascinated by the different aspects of personality and how they relate to each other. I am particularly interested in the interplay between personality, emotional states, emotional intelligence and intelligence; how personalities, emotions and intelligence influence our lives and health; how emotional intelligence and various cognitive aspects fit into the whole picture and how they are influencing our behaviours including at work.
Julia-Nicole Lohnert
When working with Natalie it becomes clear very fast, that she is highly knowledgeable and easy to work with. Apart from the numerous learning moments when interacting with her, I highly value her passion and excitement what leads with regards to recruitment, to a top-notch candidate experience.
Hannah Da Costa
YOS Officer
I have found it fascinating listening to you and our discussions have definitely helped me to think more broadly about engaging and assessing my young people. Having worked in Youth Justice for 12 years, I have found our sessions some of the most refreshing and enlightening training I have ever had. Having worked in this environment for some years, it has been very helpful to have the impact on our own thoughts and feelings acknowledged possibly for the first time and I have definitely been kinder to myself/ taken more time to de-stress and more reflective as a result.
Tom, Business Analyst in a large corporation
Natalie helped me in many ways during our mentoring sessions. She helped me think through what my career goals were, and identify how I should look progress within my company giving my career significantly more direction and structure. Natalie helped me through one of the most challenging periods in my career, exploring techniques for dealing with difficult, high pressure and high stress situations…
Ross, Marketing and Trading
The sessions I had with Natalie helped me in my work and personal life. I did not see value in an external coach at first, but now realise that was the best thing for me. For example, I learned techniques for managing stress and I was able to sleep better as a result